Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cinderella was her name

More polyvore <3

I think I failed my chem final today :( My chem professor told me that she thought I should have an A in the class. MEANING i SHOULD have an A if only i worked a little harder. oh well, next semester...

next semester i'm taking the 2nd half of chem & physics. on tuesdays, i'm going to be at school from 9:30 am to 8:40 pm cuz of the labs!! and thursdays from 9:30 to 5. fuck my life!!! Hahah. what needs to be done has to be done.


Anonymous said...

niiiiiiiiiiice =) i wish i could go shopping. lol.

fuzkittie said...

Damn, I hate science.

Lily said...

Lol i love science, but i hate the labs!!

abby =) said...

good luck on your classes. school can be hectic, but hopefully you won't be too busy away from your site =)

kae said...

thanks! prussian is definitely on my list .. i don't have any blue e/s! the only thing close is plumage, but that's more like a turquoise-black. -_-

Ahleessa said...

That's such a cute outfit! By the way your profile picture is looking hot!

Thanks for welcoming me back! :)

Grayburn said...

Just keep going, it'll all be over soon! You can do it! I love labs..a chance to get my hands dirty sort of!


MzUnicaHija19 said...

thanks for reccomending me pacific catch, we had fun and the food was great!